Understanding HPV


Understanding HPV: Learn about the human papillomavirus, its transmission, symptoms, prevention, and available treatment options. Stay informed with Kalispellobgyn.

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Pap Smear Guidelines

by Kassandra Patton, WHNP / Kalispell OB/GYN When you schedule your annual well-woman exam, you may be surprised to find that your visit does not always include a Pap smear. Current recommendations on this once yearly screening have changed much over the past 5 years. But first, let’s start with the basics: What Exactly is…

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What is HPV and why is it important?

Dr. Thomas deHoop  – Kalispell OB/GYN Q: “I have teenagers (a son and a daughter) and I keep hearing about the Gardasil vaccine.  Generally speaking I’m not a fan of every vaccine available so is this one mandatory to protect my children?  What are the possible side effects and is it worth the risk?” Sincerely,…

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