Dear Kalispell OB/GYN Patients

You are very important to us. We want you to know about some changes to our practice and reassure you that your care will remain consistent, compassionate and thorough. On July 1st, 2022, Kalispell OB/GYN and our embedded Logan Health physicians moved into separate offices and became separate entities. This is not a bitter separation but has come about due to Logan Healthcare’s desire to have its employed providers under hospital management.
At Kalispell OB/GYN, the longest-running private practice in the valley, we remain private, will retain our same name and contact information and have moved into our new office full time. We are very excited about the new office located in The Falls Building at 165 Commons Loop, Suite E just behind Glacier Bank. Doctor Gwenda Jonas, and our mid-level Practitioners: Kassandra Patton, Austin Rusher, Shawn Shanahan, Haley Peters and Kaycee McIntosh will continue to provide early obstetric care and ultrasounds, mood disorder care throughout pregnancy, infertility evaluation and treatment, surgical and nonsurgical gynecology care, and well-woman and primary care. We will also soon offer in-office hysteroscopy and treatment for heavy periods with endometrial ablation as well as some aesthetic procedures. Dr. Jonas will continue assisting with the obstetrics call rotation through the summer to assist the Logan Health doctors as they transition, but will no longer deliver babies after approximately September 1st.

Doctors deHoop, Huff and Lauer are now part of Logan Health Women’s Care OB/GYN and will continue full obstetric care and gynecological care. The details of their new office are still being finalized, but they will remain in the current Kalispell OB/GYN office (210 Sunnyview Lane) for some period of time with plans to move into a new office themselves within the next several years. To make an appointment, Logan Health Women’s Care OB/GYN can be reached at 406-858-8200.

Your records will remain part of Kalispell OB/GYN’s separate electronic medical records system and will not be shared or transferred without your permission and direction. Going forward you will receive reminders for annual exams and another follow-up as arranged by Kalispell Obstetrics and Gynecology. You may simply call 406-752-5252 to make that appointment with our office. If you desire to move to the new hospital clinic, please call our office and request a Release of Records (ROR). Return the completed ROR to our office and we will forward your records as soon as possible to be entered into the hospital system. If you are an obstetric patient, you should have received a ROR at your appointment if it occurred prior to July 1st.

We are honored to care for you and look forward to doing so for many years into the future. Thank you for your trust in our practice.


Doctors Gwen Jonas, Thom deHoop, Jenna Huff, and Erin Lauer