Menopause and Hormone Therapy – Why All The Confusion?


Gwen Jonas, MD, discusses the perimenopausal transition and menopause, defining menopause as a period of 12 months without menstruation due to decreased ovarian function and hormone production. Symptoms affect 75% of women, including vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats) and mood changes, and can last 7-10 years. Menopause also brings symptomless risks like bone weakening and increased heart disease risk due to poorer cholesterol profiles and insulin resistance. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is presented as an effective treatment for many, addressing misconceptions about its safety based on updated research. HRT benefits include symptom relief and reduced risks of bone fractures, diabetes, and possibly heart disease in women starting it within ten years of menopause before age 60. Various HRT delivery methods and the importance of discussing risks, like blood clots and stroke with a healthcare provider, are highlighted. “Bioidentical” hormones are clarified, and continuous use of HRT beyond 65 is considered if symptoms persist, emphasizing individualized treatment decisions.

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